How to check the version of Windows 8. How to determine the version of Windows on a computer

How to find out the version of Windows-01

Hello everyone, today I want to write such a note on how to find out the version of Windows 8.1, since very often users have to explain where to see it. We will consider using the example of Windows 8.1, but this instruction is also suitable for Windows 10 and 7. This information will be useful for diagnosing problems associated with a particular version, so that you can quickly diagnose your computer and understand the algorithm for solving problems.

How to check operating system version

As you understand, there are a lot of ways, I will show the simplest and at the same time effective, any computer user can repeat them. The first way is to press win + pausebrake or my computer properties (right click on it). Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > System will open and at the top you can see the OS version. In my example, this is Windows 8.1 Enterprise, but this is not enough, there are too few specifics.

How to find out the version of Windows-02

The second way is to open the run window by pressing Win + R and enter msinfo32

How to find out the version of Windows-03

In the window that opens, look on the right OS Name and note there is a version field, in my example it is 6.3.9600 Build 9600

Another way is to open the run window by pressing Win + R and enter msconfig

In the download, you can find the version of the OS

Well, the winver command, which you need to type on the command line. As a result of executing the command, an additional window will open with the current version of Windows 8.1

There is a method for more advanced users, using the Registry Editor. Start - Run or keyboard shortcuts win + r. In the window that appears, type regedit and click OK

and in the parameter Product Name find out the version of Windows OS. Please note there is a BuildLab parameter and it shows the most full version.

Another option to find out the version of Windows 8.1 is to enter dxdiag in the run window

The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will open

So just find out the version of Windows 8.1, you yourself can remember the method that is convenient for you and use it in practice.

Reading time: 36 min

Determining the version of the operating system of the Windows family is carried out in several ways, regardless of its edition. In this article, we will look at the most simple methods how to find out the version of Windows and get complete information about the assembly of the operating system installed on your computer, its bitness using the example of various editions. We will also get acquainted with several universal methods to find out information about your operating system, even if you do not know which edition of Windows you are using (7, 8 or 10).

How to determine the version Windows 10

Via "System Information"

To get the data, go to the "Settings" menu in Windows 10, where all the necessary data is displayed.

To open the settings window, use the key combination "Win + I" or the "Windows" button, where in the drop-down list select "Settings"

In the window that appears called "System" we move to the item "About the system", which is located last in a small list. Here we find information about the operating Windows system 10: its version, kernel, release, bit depth.

How to find out the version of Windows 8 and 8.1?

Through system properties

To obtain information about the version of Windows 8, you need to call the context menu of the Windows icon located on the taskbar and select "System" from the drop-down menu.

After completing this action, a window with information about your operating system will open.

Via "System Information"

Press the "Windows" button to open the drop-down side menu, where we select "Options".

Next, click on the inscription located at the very bottom: "Changing settings ...", as shown in the screenshot.

In the "PC Settings" window, go to the "Computer and Devices" section.

In the menu that opens, click on the "Computer Information" section located at the very bottom of the list.

The Computer window displays information about the edition and bitness of the operating system.

How to find out which version of Windows 7 is installed?

Through the properties of "My Computer"

  • We go to "Start".
  • Call the context menu "My Computer" and select "Properties".

3) The "System" window contains all the data we need about the edition of Windows 7.

The same is done as follows: we go to "Start", in the search bar we write the phrase "Information about" and select "Information about the system" among the search results. Next, click on the inscription: "About the system" and get all the information about the version of Windows.

Through the "Control Panel"

  • We go to the "Control Panel", for example, through the "Start".
  • We click on the first item "System and Security" if its view is switched to "Category".

  • Select "System" and a familiar window opens with data about the version of your OS.

In the case of displaying control panel elements as icons, we are looking for an icon with the name "System".

Through the start menu

We call "Start" and go to the following address:

How to find out the version Windows? Generic method

  1. winver team.

We launch the window for executing system commands by holding the key combination "Win + R". In the line for entering text, enter winter and press "Enter". We will see a window with information about the version of Windows used.

  1. "msinfo32" command

We open the same window for entering system commands and enter in it msinfo32, confirming the execution of the command with the "OK" button. The window that appears with information about the operating system displays all the information about its name, version, bit depth, assembly, etc.

  1. systeminfo command

You can get complete information about the operating system by another simple method.

Launch the Windows command interpreter by typing "cmd" in the "Run" window. In the black window that appears, enter the text systeminfo click "Enter". After a few seconds, the console will display complete information about your system. Moving up, you will see information about the version, assembly, bitness, etc. of your operating system.

  1. Through the Windows registry

We launch the system registry editor. To do this, call the "Run" window with the combination "Win + R". In it we enter regedit and press "Enter". In the window that opens, follow the path:

2) H.W.Info
We launch the application and already in the main window we see the main data about the version of your OS.

If you have any questions about "How to find out the version of Windows?", you can ask them in the comments

First, let's figure out what exactly we are going to find out. With the version, everything is a no-brainer: it is denoted by a number present in the system name (relevant for Windows 10, as well as 8 / 8.1 and 7) or a letter designation (XP or, for example, Vista).

This also works for server systems from Microsoft - for example, Windows Server 2012, and, of course, for other "old school" operating systems of the line: Windows 95/98/ME (Millennium) and so on. The version also means the digital code of the installed assembly.

The operating system type, also known as edition, determines the edition of Windows. Yes, yes, these are the same postscripts indicated after the system number: Home (Home), Pro (Professional) and so on. For example, in Windows 7, the Starter edition was a "stripped down" inferior distribution with a lot of limitations and was intended mainly for home use on not the most powerful computers and laptops. While Ultimate (Maximum) endowed the PC with enhanced security and provided more features - for example, the ability to join a corporate network or even deploy a server. But we all mostly played solitaire and played Counter-Strike! ..

In a sense, the build number (English build) or, as it was called in Russian-language localization - building the system, determines the numerical identification of the program code used in the current version of the operating system. As a rule, it is not necessary for an ordinary user to know it at all. A "build" may be of interest to some developer who is testing his, say, game on a specific assembly system.

Architecture (bit depth, bit version of Windows) is a set of commands for the interaction of the operating system with the central processor of an information device (laptop, tablet or computer, for example).

Microsoft operating systems support the following processor architectures:

  • ARM - currently used in the CPU of mobile devices;
  • x86 (also known as x32) - used in the early processors of the industry giant Intel;
  • x86-64 (another name is AMD64) - developed by AMD, is an extension for x86 and is used in almost all modern processors;
  • IA-64 is a joint development of HP and Intel, which was conceived as a 64-bit analogue of x86 for home computers and laptops, but after the release of x86-64 it did not find application (now it is used mainly in servers).

As mentioned above, most modern CPUs are based on the x86-64 architecture, which allows the user to install both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit versions of the system on the computer. At the same time, the so-called Windows 64 will have an important advantage over Windows 32 - support for more RAM and physical memory and, as a result, higher performance and the ability to handle large amounts of data. In other words - 16 GB random access memory, installed in the computer, in a 32-bit system will be defined as 4, you will receive no more than 3.5 “on hand”. So it goes.

How to find out the version of Windows? See what's written on installation disk your OS.

If this is not possible, read the article further.

Find out the installed version and bit depth of Windows through "Computer Properties"

The easiest way to find out which version of Windows is installed on your computer is to open its properties and look. To do this, open "Explorer", find "This PC" (or "My Computer" if you are using a system earlier than Windows 10), right-click on the icon and select "Properties" at the very bottom of the drop-down list. In the window that appears, you can see the version, release (type) and bit depth of the system.

The method is preferred by most users. The only drawback is that there is no data on the assembly of the system.

How to determine the version and other OS parameters using the winver utility

The winver utility is used to collect and provide the user with information about a running system. To initialize, use the command execution window (go to "Start" - "Run" or press the combination of Win and R keys), in which enter the winver command as shown in the figure and click "OK".

The Win key is usually located in the bottom left corner of the keyboard!

The opened interface will contain detailed information about the system. Except for bit depth!

msinfo - all information about the system

Another way is to use the good old msinfo32 utility. In the "Run" window, enter msinfo32 , execute and admire the exhaustive result.

How to determine the version by key

It is very easy to find out the version of Windows by the product activation key using the official Volume Activation Management Tool 2.0 from Microsoft. Simply enter your productkey in the appropriate field and click the "Verify" button.

You can use the same method to find out from which version of Windows the key lying around in your desktop drawer.

But what if the computer won't start?

This method is relevant for operating systems released before XP (including the latest one), and allows you to determine the Windows version from files, or rather, the prodspec.ini file located at C:\Windows\System32 .

The method will help people whose old computer does not boot, but it is necessary to find out which system is installed (for example, to restore the system itself or files). To do this, you need to download some RescueDisk or BootCD, then open the above file and find the line with the text - the data next to it indicates the installed Windows distribution.

other methods

But if suddenly, for some reason, the above methods for determining the version of Windows on a laptop or computer did not suit you ...

Check OS version via Windows CMD

The command line is the best friend of both the amateur newbie and the bearded system administrator. Finding out the version of Windows from the command line is simple: and enter the systeminfo command, which will almost instantly collect and provide you with detailed information about the system.

You can also use the systeminfo command in PowerShell.

Detect Windows Version Using Registry

The Windows registry also contains information about the installed OS. To access it, enter the regedit command in the same "Run". Next, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion and find the information you need.

How to programmatically determine the version of Windows

There are a large number of programs from third-party developers, the functionality of which allows you to determine the installed system and collect information about it - for example, AIDA64. However, all such programs only use the built-in features of the OS, which we wrote about above, so the expediency of using them for these purposes remains doubtful.

How to find out the version of Windows recorded on a disk or flash drive

To find out the version of Windows on the installation disk or bootable flash drive, open the media through the "Explorer", find the setup.exe file, right-click on it and in context menu select "Properties". In the file properties window that appears, go to the "Details" tab and pay attention to the "Product version" column.

How to find out the version of Windows Phone

Although the mobile version of the operating system from Microsoft has not found as wide application as its desktop counterpart, it still raised a number of questions.

So if you want to find out which version Windows phone installed on your gadget, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and swipe left to select Apps.
  2. Then "Settings", "About device", "Details".

Here (column "Software") you will see the name of the installed operating system (for example, Windows Phone 8). Additionally, you can find out the build version in the "OS version" column.

The version of Windows CE (which, in fact, is a completely different OS and is used mainly in Chinese navigators) is determined in a similar way.


Thank you for reading our article to the end, thereby getting the most complete understanding of how to find out the version and other parameters of your system. We hope you didn't do it in vain!

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Hi all. Recently, a friend of mine asked me to reinstall the operating system on his laptop, but unfortunately the OS did not boot and it was impossible to determine which version of Windows was installed on the laptop. And knowing this is very important! For example, if Windows 10 Home for one language was installed on a computer device from the store, then it must be installed, only in this case the operating system is activated automatically immediately after the installation process. I asked a friend if he remembered the version of his system, but he shook his head and said that he used the browser mostly.The laptop was not new and absolutely without stickers, pabout my data, even Windows 7 could be installed on it.

How to find out the version of Windows if the system does not start

Friends if you need find out the version of Windows, but you cannot get into the system itself, then you need to boot the computer from live cd. You can use my own created by me, Dmitry Malyshev program Live CD with some selection of programs, or you can use a more powerful emergency Live CD from Sergei Strelts. But, let's talk about everything in more detail.

Live CD from Dmitry Malyshev

Download Live CD in my cloud storage, then create from it bootable flash drive, from which you can boot a simple computer with a regular BIOS, as well as the newest laptop with a UEFI interface. Friends, if you don’t know how to create such a bootable USB flash drive, then here’s a very. T Now we boot our Windows laptop from the flash drive, the version of which we need to install.We select a USB flash drive in the boot menu of the laptop and boot from it.

Click OK.

The Live CD desktop appears.

We go to the "Soft" folder.

Go to the WinNTSetup3 folder.

We launch executable file WinNTSetup_x64.

The main window of the WinNTSetup3 program opens.

Right-click on the top of the program window.

And the following window opens, in which we see the version installed on our laptopWindows 10 Home Single Language (Windows 10 Home Single Language), we also see the system license key.So in a simple way, using the software WinNTSetup3, we learned Windows version. But that's not all.

I'm sure you'll like another way. We return to the "Soft" folder. We go to the ProduKey folder.

We launch the ProduKey program.

As you can see, ProduKey named the version incorrectly, but this is not a problem, you just need to configure the program correctly.

Click File-->Select Source.

Check the box "Load the product keys from external Windows directory" and click "Browse".

In the explorer that opens, you must tell the program Windows folder with the installed operating system. Open the disk in the explorer window(C:) and select the Windows folder with the left mouse, then click OK.

It is important to know that all LiveCDs confuse drive letters and they are almost always different from what we see in a running operating system. In simple words, disk with installed system may not be (C:), but (D:) or (E:), etc., but in In our case, everything turned out to be correct and Windows 10 ended up on the drive (C :), since we see the folders of the installed OS here: Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86) and Windows.

Now the program correctly showed us the version of Windows installed.

LiveDisk by Sergei Strelec

Friends, you can burn a powerful emergency

It develops quite quickly. With each update, Windows 8 brings new features and interesting features. In this article, we will talk about how to find out the version of Windows 8.

How to find Windows 8 version and build number

In order to find out the version of Windows 8, you need to run the "WINVER" command. This command can be run from the Run menu. To do this, use the key combination Windows + R and in the window that appears, enter the command "WINVER".

After entering this command, you will see a small window that will indicate the version of Windows 8, as well as the build number.

How to Display Windows 8 Build Number on Desktop

If necessary, the build number and operating system name can be displayed on the desktop. To do this, you need to make changes to the Windows registry.

And go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" section. In this registry key, you need to find the PaintDesktopVersion parameter and change it from 0 to 1. After making changes to the registry, you need to restart File Explorer or restart the computer.

As a result, after making these changes to the registry, we will see something like this picture in the lower right corner of the desktop.

How to find system information in Windows 8

If you want to find out not only the version of Windows 8, but also all other information about the system, then you need to open the “System. View basic information about your computer. To do this, right-click on Windows icon on the taskbar and select System.

After that, the "System" window will open in front of you. View basic information about your computer.

Here you can find out the name of the operating system (in our case, it is Windows 8.1 Professional), information about the processor and RAM, the bitness of the operating system, and other information.

How to get system information in Windows 8 through the new tiled interface

In order to view the version of Windows 8 through the new interface, you need to click on the Windows button and call the right side menu in the new interface. In the appeared side menu click on the "Options" button.

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